Things have
been quiet on the home front. Ladybug has been doing very well! The last few
months have defiantly shown us how much chemotherapy affected her. Six months
ago her blood counts were low, she had burst of energy but mainly she was a
movie watching freak- while she still loves her movies she also loves playing
outside, riding her bike, and just racing around with her friends. She’s a dancing and singing fool- there are days we wish for
a few seconds of peace and quiet and then we remember what that quiet feels
like. I’ll take all her crazy toddler moments
over another year of chemo any day! We are so proud of her- it makes me a
little emotional thinking just how far she has come. She is thriving at school,
learning lots of new moves in dance class, making all sorts of new friends in
tumbling class. She’s really soaking in every second of
her toddler days. She’s going to be graduating high school
before I know it!
Time has
flown by and before we know it we’ve approached ladybug’s six month post chemo scans and I’m not going to lie we’re
having a lot of scanxiety around here. Every three months we have a series of
appointments, tests that will tell us how those darn tumors are doing. Every three
months we hold our breath and pray we hear good news, and pray, and pray, and
pray some more. Wednesday we start those series of tests--- We will meet with
Dr. Hoffman for some eye tests and will then proceed with an mri after the
holidays. Cross your fingers and pray for good news!