12 November 2014

Tear Duct Surgery

For the 5th time in less than a year we’ve handed our baby off to complete strangers and trusted them with the one thing that means the most to us. We would love to say it gets easier, that it doesn’t rip our hearts out each time but it seems to be the exact opposite… it seems to hurt more and more each time. 

However, we are so incredibly lucky to live where we live. We are 15 minutes away from one of the best hospitals in the country. They have an amazing staff and they all do there best to take extra good care of our baby girl! The IV team is amazingly patient and does everything they can to make her feel safe and comfortable. And her anesthesiologist this time was amazing! We were a little scared about how Rylie’s body would react to a surgery under chemo but he assured us he would take extra special care of her and watch her ever so closely! 

PLay time before surgery! Love this little beauty! 

                                                                            Lookin' Good in her hospital PJ's! 

Rylie did amazing through surgery...Took her a little bit longer to wake up this time but with her currently chemotherapy doses they kind of expected that. 

Everything went really well with no major complications. In fact surgery went great!!! Dr. Hoffman was able to take a really good look at her eyes and the left eye (her really bad eye) seems to be progressing a great deal. The VEP test during surgery also confirmed her eye is responding a bit more in the positive direction. Everything Dr. Hoffman was able to see gave him some really encouraging signs that she may come out of this entire ordeal a little bit better off than we originally expected. We obviously still have a few months to go and we're just going to have to be patient, but for today we are all encourage at how well she's looking at the 6 month mark. It's been awhile since we received good news... So we're going to take it and soak in every single second! 

Hitching a ride to the car in the wagon! 

Snuggles at home! 

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