01 May 2014

Audiogram... And a Frightening afternoon

One of the chemotherapy drugs Rylie will be on is Vincristine. Vincristine has a potential risk of hearing loss. In order to track how her hearing is doing throughout treatment Rylie was sent in for a hearing test, an Audiogram. This gives the medical staff a better understanding of where Rylie’s hearing is now then they will be able to track and monitor her a few times throughout this next year to see if there are any changes in her hearing.

Before taking Rylie up to Primary Children's for her hearing test mommy went in for a quick eye exam to get her contacts renewed. What was to be a standard check up turned into a scary day. After running a few of the standard eye tests my optometrist became concerned with the swelling in my optic nerves. After reviewing the possibilities if what the swelling could mean we got worried... Swelling in the optic nerve is what led us to find Rylie's tumor. To say there was immediate panic is an under statement. After discussing Rylie's current situation with the optometrist he went into complete panic mode. I was told to call my husband and immediate head to the Moran Eye Center for additional testing and if there were no appointments open to head to the emergency room. The concern was I too had a tumor. I don't think I have ever been so scared and completely panicked in my entire life. How was this happening? How are both my daughter and I going to get through this… at the same time? I immediately started worrying that I wouldn't be able to be with my baby when she needed me most and then a harsh reality set in. If I had a tumor it meant Rylie's NF was genetically passed down from me. I think that broke my heart more than anything. I felt so responsible. After speaking to Rylie’s doctors they felt there was no need for genetic testing and believed Rylie's NF to be a spontaneous mutation but if I had a tumor we had our answer... She got NF from me. I was literally torn up inside. That entire time all that was going through my head was this is my fault. My baby is going to have to go through hell because of me! Brett was heart broken and completely stressed out but he did great at trying to keep me calm. After calling our families we were able to get Brett's mom and sister to meet us up at the hospital to take Rylie to her hearing test so Brett could take me to see an ophthalmologist for a second opinion. They literally rescued us from a downward spiral. Having someone there to hug you and tell you everything will be okay is literally invaluable. We said it before but we will say it again- We Have the best family in the world!

Brett's sister took Rylie into her hearing test in which she passed with flying colors! They said she was a little rock star!  While Rylie was at her hearing test I was taken to IHC Salt Lake Clinic to be checked out. Thank god for Dr. Harrie! That man really knows his stuff! His office seen me immediately, no questions asked and they were so wonderful to ease our worries while they took a look at my eyes. After a few more eye tests and an ultrasound Dr. Harrie assured us I did NOT have a tumor. Although my optic nerves were swollen he felt it was nothing to worry about and the swelling and headaches could be contributed to the stress we have been under lately. It was such a relief to hear those words. For me to know I was going to be able me go focus all my attention on my baby was the biggest blessing of all but knowing I was okay was a weight lifted off all of our shoulders!

Thank you to all of our family and friends for being there for us last Friday. You all never cease to amaze us with all of your love and support- we will forever be grateful to all of you!

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